Saturday, June 25, 2005

Notes on programming :p

Just in case that I actually have forgotten anything :p

Realizing that it's very important to keep the structure of the file directory intake, and at the same time to keep the file name as short as possible.

The reason? As we have too used to the operating system, that it allows us to key in any length of file name that we want. It's indeed a good feature, that it makes people easier to recognize the file immediately.

But, on the other side of the wall, it's a downside to people who wanted to write a software that reads content from a directory. If the directory listing, or the tree structure is too deep, and the file name is too long, then problem could arise when trying to make a installer! What kind of problem? File path exceeding limit set by the operating system.

1 comment:

Renny D said...

Okay, after the work with the core application, I tried to search for a way to manage the virtual memory allocation. The reason for this is because the core application processes a lot of graphics and flash content.

I found the API and how it is called from a Visual Basic application. Come to think of it, Microsoft really works hard on making all this IDE for developers. I'm not pro Microsoft or anything, just that if someone put a lot of efforts and strategies and thought into development, even a small application can become very powerful and robust!

That's the stage that I'm trying to reach!