Although the inner frame is identical to Strike Freedom (except the bottom pelvis part), it can't squat down like Strike Freedom due to the restriction imposed by the feet armor. What this kit capable of doing is to re-produce the kicking scene as seen in Seed Destiny where it utilizes its beam weapon on its leg, i.e. to dodge the beam boomerang of Destiny Gundam.
I'm very satisfy with this kit after I finished making it because I'm able to put much of what I've learned from my past Gundam modeling experience, plus some other modeling techniques that I learned online onto this kit. Although it may not be that nice as compare to the work of a pro, it is a job well done at least for me.
I'm very satisfy with this kit after I finished making it because I'm able to put much of what I've learned from my past Gundam modeling experience, plus some other modeling techniques that I learned online onto this kit. Although it may not be that nice as compare to the work of a pro, it is a job well done at least for me.