I was finally able to finish this last MG that I have in my inventory. With this kit, I tried to air brush it with the 2 tone gradient color scheme, which is a kind of technique to create 2 tone color scheme based on the light & shadow effect (from what I could understand). It was quite hard to do it right but I was pleased with it.
I would say that the articulation was way much better as compare to what I currently have in my MG kits. The squatting down was able to be done quite easily as compare to the MG F-91 and the MG Strike Freedom. The best part is with the hand movement, and yes the separation of the fingers made it looks more natural, but the capability to move the whole arm forward and upward at the shoulder section does made it looks more natural as compare to unable to do so. Apart from being able to bend the front toe of the foot, the leg was not much special as compare to the rest of the MG kit that I have.
The problem that I had with this kit is the side skirts that although it is flexible enough, still it is quite difficult to adjust it to allow the posising i.e. squatting down to be done naturally. Also, although the instruction manual did say that the torso is able to bend foreward and backward, bending left and right, but it's just not as wide as it claimed it would be, and I don't really know why.
Still, although there are pros and cons to this kit (like all the rest), I can't deny that this is one of the best MG that ever made.