Super Robot War is a game created by Banpresto, a game division of Bandai Namco. It is a very famous game in Japan and certain parts of the world due to it's story line that involves different mecha ranging from Mazinger Z era till the latest Gundam series. In each Super Robot War, the original character created as the main protagonist for the game can be either piloting a super robot or a real robot.
Super Robot War Original Generation is specially created to feature all original character from Super Robot Wars game. So, in the game we'll be able to see Kyosuke Nanbu, Ryusei Date, Zengar Zonbolt, etc gathered together to fight against alien invaders in order to protect earth. The OG (Original Generation) for Play Station 2 is a combination of OG 1 and OG 2 created for Gameboy Advance with extra scene.
I finished playing OG 1, and right now in the progress of playing OG 2. This game supposed to be rolled last year, but due to some reason it isn't released until late June. It has good graphics and good storyline as well. And, it is much harder to play against certain series (alpha especially).
Waiting to complete and restart the playing in order to make all my unit powerful.